SALEM — Syeda Woods, principal of John Fenwick School, has biceps that rival Michelle Obama’s, and she also shares the first lady’s passion for getting kids to eat healthy.
This school year, inspired by Obama’s Let’s Move campaign, Woods is making an effort to discourage parents from sending junk food like cupcakes and Hawaiian Punch to school and sending healthier options instead.
Also, the school is starting a vegetable garden and continuing with an outdoor walking program.
“I enjoy eating healthy and working out,” Woods said while sitting in her office on Thursday. “When I came here two years ago I saw the food that kids were bringing in, and I saw it was too much sugar.”
Instead of making changes during her first year as principal, she decided to wait until this year.
Last evening at Back to School night, Woods and school nurse Jill Sutton-Parris gave parents a list of suggested snacks that are healthier than cake and soda.
“Not only does that food contribute to obesity, but the sugar and carbs gives you a high, and then you crash, which is not good for learning,” she said. “I believe if you eat correctly, you think better and you can learn more.”