Salem High School
Class of 1981
35th Class Reunion
October 15, 2016
Hello Class of 1981:
I hope you are enjoying your summer.
Our 35th class reunion will be held at the Washington Club in Penns Grove NJ
on 10/15/16 starting at 6:30 pm.
Our menu will be buffet style. Starting with hors d'oeuvres
Followed by dinner:
Tossed Salad
Traditional spaghetti
Stuff chicken breast
Chicken Parmesan
Roasted Red Potatoes
String Bean Almondine
Dinner rolls & butter
Hot and Cold beverages
The cost will be $50.00 per person.
There will be a cash bar available all night long.
If you haven't done so. Please continue to contact our classmates even
those who don't have a face book page please get this information out there!
Please contact me if you have any questions comments or concerns.
Checks and money orders can be mailed to
Leslie Wendy Wright
256 Regional Drive
Carneys Point, NJ 08969
Make payable to:
SHS class of 1981
Thank you very much,
Leslie Wright
Class of 1981