Salem High School
Class of 1956

Riverview Inn - 50's Class Reunion
September 16, 2017
Row 1: Marge Klements Warren, Hilda Sims Stoms, Barbara Norris Puckett, Patricia Gathers Banger, Beverly Simmerman Godfrey, Jackie Webster Coyne, Joanne Butcher Bassett, Joe Hudock, Barbara Meher Haynes
Row 2: Donald Walton, Bill Wilson, Sherwood Lloyd, Tom Puckett, Anthony Matthews, Douglas Cooper, Fran Mitchell Horner, Bob Johnson, Jack Elk

Class of 1956 - 60th-year reunion
Sept. 17, 2016 at the Green Olive Restaurant in Bridgeton
Row 1: William Wilson, Donald Walton, Glen Donelson, Pat Gathers Banger, Joe Hudock, Robert Neil Keen Sr., Donald Sherman, and Joan Harris Van Brunt.
Row 2: Grace Barger Lloyd, Peggy Myers Quirk, Millie Davis Rahrer, Barbara Meher Haynes, Thomas Atkinson, Frank Master, Rev. David Scull, Barbara Norris Puckett, and Teacher Joy Coleman.
Row 3: Robert Johnson, Jack Elk, Rich Gatanis, Madelyn Judge Krouse, Francis Mitchell Horner, Mary Fogg Allen, Kennora Lebree Thompson, Richard Williams aka Ricardo Ben-Safed, Jackie Webster Coyne, Janice Cook Wood, Wayne Skip Mills, Anne Schaeffer Woodlin, Sherwood Lloyd, Beverly Simmerman Godfrey, Robert Buechler, Lorraina Shidner Sharp, Marjorie Klements Warren, Tom Puckett, Ed Parkell, and Arlene Keen Elbertson.

Published October 12, 2011
Class of 1956 - 55th-year reunion
Sept. 10, 2011, at J.G. Cook's Riverview Inn in Pennsville
Row 1: Donald Walton, Brian Ambruster, Edward Parkell, Pat Gathers Banger, Joe Hudock, Robert Johnson, Bob Buechler
Row 2: Joan Lewis Parkell, Barbara Norris Puckett, David Scull, teachers Jo Schantz and Joy Coleman, Margarte Myers Quirk, Buddy Tuthill, Grace Bager Lloyd, Elizabeth Fair Gibbs, Francis Mitchell Horner
Row 3: Jackie Webster Coyne, Madelyn Judge Krouse, Joanne Butcher Bassett, Beverly Simmerman Godfrey, Kennora LeBree Thompson, Frank Master, Anthony Matthews, Jack Elk, Phil Schermerhorn, Tom Atkinson, Sherwood Lloyd, Tom Puckett, Bill Wilson, Janice Cook Wood, Barbara Meher Haynes, Rich Gatanis. Not pictured is Marjorie Klements Warren