Salem High's Military Wall of Honor continues to grow
By Community Bulletin
on November 14, 2016
The Salem High School (SHS) Military Wall of Honor, created in 2011, continues to grow as Salem High School alumni and their families share the military experiences of both active duty and military veterans who are graduates of Salem High School.
In the Salem High School Library a Military Wall of Honor bulletin board features photos shared by the soldiers and their families, as well details of their military service; including branch and years of service, military campaigns and military recognitions received. The Military Wall of Honor includes military alumni from the Class of 1938 through the Class of 2015.
In addition to the military alumni submitted to the school, the online Military Wall of Honor includes Salem High School Military Alumni identified through genealogy searches, news articles and county records. The Online Military Wall of Honor can be searched alphabetically or by SHS graduation year.
The school would love to hear from you and honor your service to our country. if you are active duty or a veteran alumni of Salem High School, please consider sharing your information with us. You are an inspiration and we thank you!
Link to the online Military Wall: http://www.salemnj.org/schools/salem_high_school/alumni/military_alumni/
Link to the Military Wall of Honor information form: http://www.salemnj.org/schools/salem_high_school/alumni/military_alumni/
To submit information or ask questions, contact Lisa Mutter at Salem High School: 856-935-3900, ext. 3233; email - [email protected]; or mail: Salem High School, Attention Lisa Mutter, 219 Walnut St., Salem, NJ 08098.
This item submitted by Lisa Mutter for Salem High School.